I was given Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword as a gift for Xmas, the week before the holiday (thanks Mom), and I've been playing it every chance that I've gotten since. I'm going to go through my first impressions, without giving any major spoilers away.
There's a typical introduction sequence, but atypical due to the story's structure being a lot different from the other Zelda titles. All of them have their own spin on the classic story, but this one really goes in a different direction (without giving to much away). Link and Zelda are childhood friends instead of princess and adventurer (Zelda isn't technically a princess and there is no kingdom of Hyrule or any kingdom at all). Link lives in a suspended town in the clouds called Skyloft and gets around on a giant bird called a Loftwing. After some relatively entertaining antics and tutorials, your adventure unfolds in front of you and off Link goes on his journey.
The controls are amazing with the WiiMotion Plus attatchment. 1 to 1 sword play is possible and works a lot better than I thought originally. It would be very hard to translate these controls to a normal controller, and even if you could it wouldn't feel right (mine and Zelderman's thoughts were to make the right stick your sword).
The structure is similar to other Zelda games with dungeons and outer exploratory areas, but there are a lot more puzzles in the exploratory outer areas. I'm only on the third non Skyloft section (Skyloft is a lot larger than the villages in the previous games), and I plan to go on to the end of the game. I'll explore what I can and try to max out the game so when I do review the game it will be as in depth as possible.
The saving system works differently and you can't save just anywhere. There are specific bird statue save points, but the up side to this is that you can use these to save inside the dungeons, which makes restarting after death or after you quit a hell of a lot easier.
Also there are a lot of items to find that enhance your potions or equipment. This adds a dimension that didn't apply to most of the other games. It also seems that I always have something to spend rupees on, where in Twlight and Ocarina, I seem to max my rupees out and don't have a lot to buy.
I'm really looking forward to the third section which is a desert section and will let you know if I make any interesting discoveries. So far I found a demon that isn't as mean as he seems, but now I have complete a quest to help him out... kinda wish I could just kill him, but at least its a change of pace. I wrecked a bar to get some rupees and another goodee, but now I have to do bitch work for the owner. The rest is part of the main story or just massive rupee catches.
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