Monday, October 20, 2014

Buck Ass Nerd is Officially Here! #BAN

Update: Holy shit.  When I changed the address to the blog, it basically destroyed all of my links, so I changed it back to .  So for now, ignore the new web address portion of this post. I'll leave it for now and/or fix it later.  That was a close one.

So, I've been going under the name Buck Ass Nerd on Twitter for a while now.  I was originally going to name the blog Full Frontal Nerdity, but that is a web comic apparently, so I had to rename it.  If you want to know where I came up with the new name... well, this part of the Avengers helped... ignore the jackass that transposed himself into the video, it's the only version I could find on YouTube.  He thinks he's funny, he's not.

So, what's changing?  Well I'm writing a bit more.  I'm still working on my book series, The BulletProof Ghost, but I'm going to try to split my time between that and Buck Ass Nerd.  I'm hoping that the two of them put together can maybe pull me out of my job-job (which I'm not a fan of) and I can do both (or one) full time.

The Blog's address has even changed to and the banner has been changed after two years of the same thing.  The links on the page are different.  All of them work now and all of them are displayed.

I've been thinking about doing a podcast or a vlog for a while, but more on that if I make a decision to commit to that.  That's a lot of time and I'm not sure I have it at the moment.

So, keep checking out the reviews, I still write at Examiner for Horror articles, so you'll be redirected there for anything Horror related.  Subscribe to my Examiner articles if you have the time.  Just click the link at the top of the page and there's a subscribe link on that page.  It helps a lot, so thanks.

If anything else changes, you'll be the first to know.  This isn't a massive change, but I wanted to clean the blog up and make things easier to find.


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