The story of XC takes us to a foreign world where two massive titan-esque creatures fought to the death & their bodies sprang new life. Bionis is inhabited by the Homs, Nopon and High Entia, all organic beings (the Homs resembling humans the most). Mechonis gave birth to the Mechon, seemingly mechanical monsters that consume organic material for power.
Though the story first focuses on group of Heroes fighting a war against the murderous Mechon, we are soon introduced to our true main character, Shulk. Smash Bros. fans will know Shulk from the lastest installment. Shulk is a scientist, who was orphaned at a young age and found with a mysterious weapon known as The Monado. The Monado is the only weapon that can hurt the Mechon while being incapable of harming organic beings. Shulk's studies are interrupted by a Mechon attack & one of his dear friends pays the ultimate price. Shulk and his band of friends, old and new, set out to defeat the Mechon menace
The story seems like a typical hero's journey at first, but becomes a lot more than that by the end. The end though, is a little confusing, it has to be seen to be understood. Shulk runs into a lot of interesting characters, many become a playable part of his team.
The gameplay is that of a semi-turn based RPG. Though the attacks come in real time, there is a turn element to how the enemies attack. It resembles Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to some extent. Certain moves are more useful when you attack enemies at different angles. The Back Slash for instance hurts your foe from the back the most. This is also how the move works in Smash Bros.
You can play as any member of your team, but Shulk is the most useful at the beginning. Only his weapon can really hurt the Mechon based enemies or enable the other members to injure the Mechon. All of the characters are fully controllable and customizable. Each piece of clothing has its attributes, so usefulness will over take aesthetics in most cases. In some case, this may make some rather silly looking mismatches.
Become accustomed to creating gems from crystals as soon as you can. Gems add abilities and attributes to your weapons and armor. You're stuck with using the one in Colony 9 at first, but you can earn a portable one later on in the game.
Keep in mind that this game is loooong. I didn't fuck around very much and I nearly cleared 100 hours. 100 HOURS! For some this may be a negative and for some a positive. There are also a few glitches where locking on enemies and attacking is concerned. Nothing game breaking, but you notice them when you play it enough.
Become accustomed to creating gems from crystals as soon as you can. Gems add abilities and attributes to your weapons and armor. You're stuck with using the one in Colony 9 at first, but you can earn a portable one later on in the game.
Keep in mind that this game is loooong. I didn't fuck around very much and I nearly cleared 100 hours. 100 HOURS! For some this may be a negative and for some a positive. There are also a few glitches where locking on enemies and attacking is concerned. Nothing game breaking, but you notice them when you play it enough.
XenoBlade Chronicles is a great game. It was hard or expensive to get for a while, but now with its release on New 3DS, everyone will have a chance to play this expansive and emersive RPG. The story keeps your attention and I really cared about where the characters ended up by the conclusion, even if the story gets crazy-go-nuts by the end. If you have a New 3DS, you should pick it up. You won't be disappointed.
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