Thursday, September 13, 2012

Will Tremordeth be buying a Wii U at launch?

As many of you know, the Wii U has announced a release date of November 18, 2012 in North America.  Also the price is going to be $300 for the basic 8GB package and $350 for a Deluxe Version with 32GB, a copy of Nintendoland, a Pad Charging Dock, a Console Stand and a Pad Stand.

This news has been a long time coming, but is it going to be worth getting on release day?  The main launch title is going to be New Super Mario Bros. U, which is the first Mario launch title for a home console since Super Mario 64.  The first 2d launch title since Super Mario World. Ironically the overworld is going to be interconnected in the vein of SMW, so that's an interesting concept, but whether it will blow anyone away or whether it'll be another rehash is another question.  The leading opinion of New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS is just that, a rehash, but still a good game.  We won't know until it comes out whether it's worth the $300 out of the gate to play.

Nintendoland will be introduced at launch and sold with the Deluxe edition.  This game is a set of multiplayer mingames (12 announced thus far).  I think this game should be included in both versions, a Wii Sports if you will, but we'll see if it's popularity will soar like Wii Bowling or Tennis. 

The rest of the release list is here.  Black Ops, Arkham City and Mass Effect 3 are good games, but released on other systems already.  Game and Wario,  Zombi U, and Wii Fit U will be original games that won't be on any other console.  ZombiU has garnered some attention due to it being in the vein of survival horror, but using the Wii Pad in interesting ways.

So the question is: Will Tremordeth be buying a Wii U?
That depends.  I have a new job that I'm currently lining up, if I get that job then it may happen.  There are financial problems I have to consider, that I'm sure none of you care about, but if I can, I will.  If I can get NSMBU and ZombiU at launch, I will... and finally I'll be getting the Deluxe edition, because 8GB of memory kinda sucks.  Plus I want the charge dock and Nintendoland right out of the gate. 
I enjoyed the Wii throughout it's lifespan.  I currently started playing Mario Kart Wii again.  I'm also attempting to finish out the Wii games I got for cheap, but haven't played as of yet.  I couldn't get any of the last generation at launch.  If I get this employment, I can't go to the midnight launch, because I'll be working until 3:30AM, but I'll be sure to pick one up the following day, if there are any left, and if I can afford it somehow (credit cards may come into play).  If this falls through, then sadly, I will not be getting shit. 
Supposedly all of our virtual console downloads will transfer into the Wii U from the Wii, which I'm pretty happy about.  I spent a bit of money on those and seeing them disappear would piss me off righteously.  I'm assuming that the download store will be full of everything that is currently on Virtual Console for Wii giving first time purchasers a lot of old school games to choose from. 
I'll go into more system specifics as the launch window draws closer.  For now, I'll keep my anticipation tamped down, as hard as it will be. 
Holy shit, Bayonetta 2 is coming exclusively to the Wii U.  I didn't find this out until just now.  It's not confirmed for launch, but if I can get my mitts on the cash, I'll be getting one.  Bayonetta is one of my favorite games, surprisingly I've never played a Devil May Cry game, but I don't have a PS2 or PS3, soooooo...... yeah.

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