Sunday, March 31, 2013

Back in Blog

  So if you were paying attention to this blog (which more people were than I thought when I looked at my traffic for the first time in four months), then you will have noticed I haven't been writing a lot lately.  Actually I haven't written anything since October 2012.  There are okay reasons for this (not good ones, but okay ones).

I worked at a desk job for two and a half years starting in the beginning of 2010.  I did graphics work for a company that worked for Abbott Labs (and occasionally other pharmaceutical companies).  I wasn't happy there.  I didn't get a raise the entire time I worked there (even though I requested a raise twice), most of the other employees were horrible people that treated each other and myself like garbage, the place was owned by two sisters that let their brother (who worked there) threaten the other employees and the work we did was unethical... and probably illegal in some instances.  My student loan payments increased and I had to work a slight second job (one night/morning a week), a medical testing study and sell my plasma as often as I could.

In June of 2012, I was laid off.  There were a ton of other problems that came down the pipe after this, but this kind of stuff isn't why people read this blog, I'm just trying to put this out there so there is an explanation for why I've been gone for so long.  In October 2012, I got hired on at Toyota in assembly.  This has nothing to do with my degrees, but it paid better starting off that any graphics jobs that were available in my area (or still are available).  The work was hard starting off and my body was NOT used to it.  The money helped me catch up on my bills (as well as other sources).  Everything is settled now.

I wrote a lot of my reviews and articles at work on lunch/breaks.  I didn't start writing at home a lot until I was unemployed.  Once I started my third shift job and my body was racked with pain every day for months, I frankly didn't feel like writing.  I drank way too much on the weekends and didn't nothing important with my time. 

My body feels better and I'm using my time more wisely.  I no longer write at The Examiner, they paid practically nothing, so I'm just going to write on the blog.  I can curse when I want to... shit... and Blogger is just easier to use. 

With Evil Dead dropping this Friday, I'm going to do an Evil Dead a thon set of reviews.  Evil Dead 1 and 2 will be full Blu Ray reviews, where Army of Darkness... we'll see, but I only have the DVD, so I may not get to it. I've had the first two movies on Blu Ray for months/years, but never went through all of the special features and commentary.  I'll be touching on all of that.  I may throw things like the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness comics in there too.  Of course on Saturday/Sunday, I'll post a review on the remake, but it looks pretty boss from what the trailers show.

I'll try to keep writing, I enjoy it and it makes me less depressed in the long run.  The BulletProof Ghost, my comic, will start to be on my priorities list as well.  I haven't updated that website since a few months after the Kickstarter failed last year.  Last year sucked for me all around.  This year has been better and will be better.  I'll try to keep the major BPG updates on here (it's also on Facebook), but funding is the only thing holding me back right now on that front.

Thanks for the support previously and I'll keep writing as often as possible.

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