Monday, September 9, 2013

Well I'm back... again...

Well, I apparently had a lot of traffic on this page since I borderline abandoned it.  I've been working on trying to get an independent comic of the ground and this blog has taken a back seat to it.  My main computer also was ravaged by a trojan, so I'm using an old laptop I had let my brother in law use, but I took that bitch back.  I had to get a power cable and delete a ton of the hard drive to get it to working condition, but given its portability, I decided to check on my blog while watching Mothra vs. Godzilla... wow.

This blog was at maybe a couple hundred views when I left, but it's up over 3,000 now... in the scheme of things, that's not a ton, but for me... that's a lot.

So I'll be posting some articles up... I have a lot to say on several subjects.  I'll eventually start doing videos, but I need to get a new computer and software for that.  Stay Tuned.

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