Monday, September 9, 2013

What the Wii U needs to do to get on track

So this is the first real article I've posted in a while, so I thought I'd start off writing something that's not a review.  I'd like to point out I'm not a cynical Nintendo hater that posts crappy comments about the Big N needing to come out with 'a real next gen' console.  I hate reading comments on IGN or where ever anymore, because it's mostly cynical hate and console wars.  I stopped giving a crap about console wars when I bought a Dreamcast at its launch.

I'm also not a straight up Nintendo fanboy.  I do love Nintendo, don't get me wrong, but there is a lot that needs doing to make the Wii U successful.

The Wii U is struggling right now.  I was laid off from my graphics job in the middle of last year, so when I obtained my new job (having nothing to do with my degrees mind you... ugh... different subject for a different day) I couldn't afford a Wii U at launch.  I enjoy the New Super Mario Bros. series.  NSMB U was supposed to be the best in the series (it was for the most part).  Zombie U also intrigued me... still haven't played it, but I will eventually. My wife bought Sing Party, which is okay... for what it is. No DLC was released for it, which really disappointed my wife... now it collects dust.

When I originally thought about doing a video on the subject, I was going to put a price drop in the list, but Nintendo already announced that... good job.  That's a good first step.  I personally know one or two people that is going to buy one, because of the Wind Waker bundle and price drop.

So what else is there?  Well in no certain order...

1. Virtual Console Update and Expansion
That fact it is going to be a year after the Wii U launched soon-ish and I haven't updated all of my downloads is inexcusable.  Not only that, but the only games available are for NES and SNES.  The launch for Wii at least had N64 games announced.  Listen, I know this stuff can take a while, but these games have already been ported to the Wii, some of them for several years.

Nintendo needs to announce that in the next year, all of the games and systems for Wii VC will make their way to Wii U VC.  I unexpectingly like playing games on the Wii U pad, I'll play old school games while in bed before sleeping or occasionally when someone wants to watch something I have no interest in.  Not to mention I won't have to jump back and forth between modes.  I don't even mind paying the extra money to upgrade.  That means N64, Genesis, Master System and Neo Geo games for Wii U VC.  I recently got my first Neo Geo game (King of the Monsters.. thanks for peaking my interest).

Getting the systems up to date will make current Wii U owners happy, but what will entice new purchases?  What about something the Wii VC doesn't have.  New game system categories for download.  The most obvious would be Gamecube.  The Wii U is a bit more advanced graphically than X360/PS3, so porting these games wouldn't be a big deal (there are memory restrictions on the Wii U, but that's another subject).  This would peak new interest, I see people complaining about not being able to get certain GC games all of the time.  The Wii can play these games, but I guess they can't work Amazon or they're overpriced.  I would even consider downloading some GC games that I don't have.  Getting Mario Kart Double Dash or Smash Bros Melee next year would be a ton of money for Nintendo given the Wii U releases for the new games in those series.

The GC is only the beginning, given that Sega is working with Nintendo for a while now, why only limit the downloads to Master System and Genesis.  The Saturn and the Dreamcast would be obvious choices in that category.  I would be ecstatic if they announced Shenmue 1 and 2, my copies of those games are gone (2 was Japan only and it was ported to Xbox in the US, but I'm sure that won't stop them).  The more obscure (and admittedly less popular) systems should be considered also.  Sega CD and 32X had the occasional jewels like Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic CD, Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side, etc.  I know that you can pirate all of this, but for those of us that are uncomfortable with that sort of thing, this would get us really excited.

2. No More Dry Spells

I know there were several games that were pushed back, but from launch to Pikmin 3 (last month), there were really no badass games coming out.  If the Wii U wants to be successful, no more of that.  It looks like the next year is going to be great for Wii U releases, from New Super Mario 3D World (despite some of the shit talk, 3D Land is one of my favorite games), Wind Waker HD (didn't get to play this on GC, so I'm pretty excited about this), Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros Wii U, Wii Fit U (I'm still playing Wii Fit Plus when I can), X (this is the most underexposed game coming to Wii U) and several third party releases that I personally may be getting on Wii U.  This still leaves room for a slow summer, but with Mario Kart 8, this shouldn't be a problem.

3. No More Home Console Series on 3DS!!

Luigi's Mansion and Paper Mario have never been portable games and both series came out with entries on 3DS.  Really?  Paper Mario could have broken up some of the white noise during Wii U's dry spell.  3DS is doing great right now... Nintendo needs to stop doing this.  On the other hand 3D World is on Wii U and not 3DS, so maybe there's some role reversal going on here.

4. POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!

Rumble U is a cute fun game, but it's $18 and it shows.  It's simple, but the VFC figures are fun to use and upgrade (I dropped and broke my wife's shiny Eevee... sorry Sarah).  There needs to be a full fledged RPG (or even Action RPG) style Pokemon game for Wii U.  A Pokemon Z if you will... or Pokemon Online and make it multiplayer?  This would be like printing money for Nintendo, especially if they use VFC figures.

5. Mario Universe

I know a lot of people were angry about Mario 3D World wasn't Mario Galaxy 3, but if they split the series into two directions, then this may be a great thing.  3D World is very multiplayer oriented and looks very fun, but I think it will be missing some of the things that made Mario 64 - Galaxy 2 great.

A Super Mario Universe, if you will, would open up the possibility of a single player oriented experience.  The overworld map from Galaxy 2 could be eliminated since it will more than likely will be used in 3D World, as it was in 3D Land.  With this in mind, a free roaming 3D Mario game could come into fruition.  Instead of a castle like in Mario 64 or the Isle Delfino in Sunshine, but a whole Planetoid, multiple planetoids, the Mushroom Kingdom, or all of the above.  Think Sonic Adventure, but with a much, much bigger Adventure section.  Also, let Princess Peach in on the action like in 3D world, she shouldn't be kidnapped... again, I personally would put a hiatus on Peach Kidnappings for a decade if I were Nintendo.  Take a cue from the RPGs and make a endearing and funny story to go along with the action.

6. Mario RPG!!!

I know there are legal issues, but a true sequel to Super Mario RPG... would be awesome.  I think a more realistic art style would lend itself to this series.  Example:

Maybe not that realistic, but you get the idea.  A trailer gets dropped with Mallow and Co. fighting in the woods with Mario... epic.

7. Using the Pad in interesting ways.

I don't have a lot to say about this.  It took the Wii's whole life cycle to produce Skyward Sword, which showed what we could really do with the Wii's motion controls (though there are fun experiences to be have before hand).  I don't want to wait around that long for the Wii U to show us what the pad and asymmetrical gaming looks like.

8. Wii Sports U

I haven't heard anything concrete on this, if you have, I apologize, but the Wii sold at first, because of this game.  Admittedly, I loved the game, especially the bowling.  I still will get people together a play Sports Resort once in a while.  If they bundle this with a price dropped basic system, the sales of the Wii U will pick up.  I wouldn't even mind if they release a more advanced version for retail.

This is all I have at the moment.  I know more games is the main point most people make, but I think the VC stuff is still important.  I hope that Nintendo stays in the hardware business.  I know the cynical dicks want them to release a system that can push the same graphics as Xbone or PS4, but they did that... with the Gamecube... and it didn't sell that well.  GC had better graphics capability than the PS2 and a deal with Capcom for exclusive Resident Evil games during RE's hay day and it still didn't help.  Graphics aren't everything.

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